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Karma is a Lie

Honestly, I'm a bit sad. I feel rather alone and like a lot of the connections I've made are superficial. I'm probably making a lot out of this, I just feel like I'm fading into oblivion.

It just seems that I can't really get anyone to read my stories or to rate and comment them or help promote them. So far my strategy for that has been to promote other people's books that I've read and enjoyed and I have, without them asking and without asking anything of them in return.

I see now that I have been naive.

Karma is a lie. I put good will and good vibes into the world and into my social media and promote fellow authors. Very few people do the same for me. I go and read their books and my book is always "next," just in the way that tomorrow is always tomorrow and never today.

Like I said, maybe I'm over reacting. Maybe one day, I'll wake up and things will be better. But right now I feel awful because my good will is coming back around and I'm not just a free source of promotion.

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